We’re Back!

2014-11-27 16.55.13

After two years of not blogging, I feel lately like I am missing the commentary that goes along with the gazillion pictures I take.  I have decided to return to documenting our lives in this fashion. So, here we are.

I am passionate about documenting our story and memories. I had been making Project Life albums since 2010 and this year when I went to start one for 2015, it wasn’t that exciting anymore. Right now I am thinking that my goal will be to create a photo book directly from the blog content at the end of the year. We will see how that goes.

For now I am going to be flexible as I work on getting back into the blogging routine. I have missed being able to write out the stories and share the words that go with the images I take.  I am here to start doing that again. And I am kind of excited.